美 [ˈkʌlər ˈnʌmbər]英 [ˈkʌlə(r) ˈnʌmbə(r)]
  • 网络颜色号码;颜色;色彩数;色数;色值
  1. Study on color number of maximum plane graph


  2. The application of new techniques of high color number red starter and pure red starter ;


  3. The gold color number symbolizes their strong .


  4. The distill and refine of gardenia yellow pigment with high color number and high purity


  5. The whole world can guarantee only each time delivers identical color number cotton thread achromatism .


  6. Capsorubin was obtained from the same column using ethanol as solvent and its color number is 150 .


  7. In order to improve algorithm , after analysis to different maxindependent node sets , optimum seeking standard of color number separate piece from several maxindependent node sets was induced .


  8. The traditional clustering segmentation algorithms can produce clustering overlap easily , and result in error classification of image pixels for colorful images with complicated background , they need the color number to be predefined as a prior parameter and always run with low efficiency .


  9. Did you get the color , number , make ?


  10. We obtain a new lower bound of two color Ramsey number by a variability backtracking algorithm : R ( 5,28 )≥ 594 .


  11. Be restricted by the definition of camera resolution and image acquisition equipment . The pictures only include the figure , color , number plate and velocity of the car .


  12. Did you see clearly the model , color and plate number of the car ?


  13. The font color of the number you enter when making a call can be changed along with the font color used for the phone number that is displayed when receive a call and make a call .


  14. E-merge also transmits the vehicles make , model , color and license number , and its heading when it crashed , which in turn indicates on which side of a multi-lane highway it ended up .


  15. Hair color is the number one appearance concern for men today , with more than half of British men worrying about graying hair , and 45 marks the age when panic really , according to a poll from market research firm Mintel .


  16. The hair 's color depends on the number , size , and color of the melanin particles .


  17. As a result , people in China , most were many both the number of color names and total number of proverbs using the color terms .


  18. Then we build face image with 100 face image database TXK and establish H-SI-I skin color model through a number of experiments .


  19. By the means of color quantization , the number of color vectors in training set would be reduced significantly , so the training speed is close to real time .


  20. Methods Doing the bar code information label of 14 different kinds , according to kinds of sample and professional groups . Each kind of label owns a unique color and a sequence number with a prefix of 2 non changeable numbers .


  21. By using the joint maximum likelihood estimation and the presently popular MATLAB language , the program of parameter estimation is composed in this thesis . Furthermore , by Mont Color simulation , a number of simulation tests are designed to analyze and discuss the accuracies of parameter estimation .


  22. A new 4 dimension vector of image , which is constituted by color histogram , the same color block number , the mean distance among the same color blocks and the mean distance inner color block , is defined .


  23. Images from color to gray used the method of reducing and quantizing the color number . The method made the real color images as the non-real color images with a palette . Then let the non-real color images become gray images .
